Terms of use

This website is now moderated by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Your access to this website is conditional on these terms of use.


1. Information on this website

This website contains information created by or for NPS MedicineWise. All reasonable efforts are made to ensure that it is accurate and up to date through critical assessment of a wide range of authoritative evidence, however NPS MedicineWise makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy or completeness. In particular, NPS MedicineWise has not verified the accuracy or currency of information supplied by third parties, including the consumer medicine information leaflets which are written by the relevant pharmaceutical companies.


2. Medical advice

The information on this site is not medical advice.

  • Consumers should not use it to treat or diagnose a medical condition and should never ignore medical advice or delay seeking it because of something on this website.
  • For health professionals, you should rely on your own professional skill, care and inquiries in the context of the clinical circumstances for each patient.

3. Disclaimer and limitation of liability

  • NPS MedicineWise disclaims all liability (including for negligence) for any loss, damage or injury resulting from reliance on or use of any information on this website.
  • Neither NPS MedicineWise nor any NPS MedicineWise personnel is liable for any loss, claim, damage, expense, injury, whether direct or indirect (including consequential loss and loss of profits) howsoever incurred (including in tort), caused or contributed to by any person's use or misuse of the information available from this website or contained on any third party website that you accessed through a link contained on this website.

4. Intellectual property

This website is protected by intellectual property laws (including copyright). You must not copy, republish, sell or redistribute or otherwise exploit the contents of this website without the prior written consent of NPS MedicineWise. 


5. Privacy

This website is subject to our privacy policy.


6. General

This website is intended for the use of people resident in Australia. Use of this website, and these terms of use, are subject to the laws of New South Wales, Australia.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care may amend these terms of use at any time.