Clinical case study

Preventing fractures: where to start with osteoporosis

Explore common secondary causes of osteoporosis and how to prevent fractures with this case study.

  • Cost: free

Preventing fractures: where to start with osteoporosis


This activity has been approved for 2 points (CPD Activity) under the RACGP CPD Program for the 2020–2022 triennium (activity: 192615)

This activity has been accredited for 1 hour under the educational activity category in the ACRRM PD Program for the 2020–2022 triennium (activity: 20164)



Richard, 57, was recently discharged from hospital after admission for an infective exacerbation of COPD. During his stay, a chest X-ray revealed a vertebral fracture.

How would you investigate Richard's risk factors for osteoporosis? What treatment options are available for Richard? How can you help improve adherence to medicines?

Complete this case study at your convenience on the device of your choice (computer, tablet or smartphone). Receive instant feedback, compare your approach to that of your peers and read expert commentary provided by leading Australian endocrinologist Professor John Eisman.