Mental health and young people survey results

NPS MedicineWise commissioned a survey of young people asking questions about their mental health.

The study was conducted online between 25 and 29 June 2022. The sample comprised 309 Australians aged 16 to 24 years, diagnosed with a mental health condition by a health professional. Following the completion of interviewing, the data were weighted by age, gender and region to be representative of the broader Australian population aged 16–24 years diagnosed with a mental health condition by a health professional.

Have you ever heard of a mental health safety plan that helps you in tough times, when you are feeling overwhelmed or if you are having suicidal thoughts?

43% Yes, I know what it is and I have had/used one before.
28% Yes, I know what it is, but have never had/used one before.
10% Yes, I have heard about it but don’t know anything about it.
4%Prefer not to say.

To what extent would/do you feel comfortable, if at all, talking to your health professional (eg, GP, psychiatrist, psychologist, counsellor) about your mental health?

When first diagnosedNow
16%25%Very comfortable.
32% 41% Somewhat comfortable.
30% 25% Somewhat uncomfortable.
16% 6% Very uncomfortable.
Prefer not to say.

Thinking about when you have/do talk to your health professionals (eg, GP, psychiatrist, psychologist, counsellor) about your mental health issue, how involved are/were you in decisions about your treatment/management options (this might include talking about the benefits, risks [eg, side effects] and costs of different options)?

44% I feel an equal.
33%I am involved, but I would like to be more involved.
9%Other people make all the decisions for me, and I am happy with that.
9%Other people make all the decisions for me, and I am not happy with that.
4%Prefer not to say.