Glenn: Keeping a medicines list – Electronic and paper-based lists

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 50
Number of medicines: 6
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Glenn finds it much easier to use a smartphone app for his medicines list, for his own information and when communicating with health professionals.

It makes things so much easier in knowing what I'm taking. When either a doctor or a pharmacist is asking me what I'm taking, it's just easy to give them the phone with them all listed straight down there. It's written in a way that is obviously easy for them to understand, as well as myself. The app is really good. It gives me all my information on there. I can put how many times a day I've got to take it, how many milligrams the tablets are. There’s something that I find very useful in there is a change log. So if I actually change a medication, it's remembering when I changed it. I don't have to remember when I changed that medication. That is very important to me.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.