Gordon: Adjusting to multiple medicines – Impact on personal relationships

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 73
Number of medicines: 13
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Gordon finds that his medication has had an unwanted and negative impact on his libido and sexual performance.


Sex life. I've been married four times and I've always, up until 12 months ago, I had a reasonably good sex life, right? That's stopped. Dead. Nothing. And it's the pills that are doing it. That would be the only other … I know my age has got a lot to do with it but when you've got people of 86 and 90 still enjoying their trips around the bed, that's … it's not the end of the world thing situation. It's just something that I thought I'd tell you. Yeah.


Is that something you've talked about with your doctor?


Not yet. The reason I haven't is because the Duotan … the one I take, Duotan, it tells you that your ejaculation system won't be the same. It will go straight into your bloodstream and you won't have any effect … you won't know anything about it. It will happen while you're asleep and things like that. Okay, that doesn't worry me. I mean, I'm not in a relationship with a lady at present. I could be but I'm not. I don't press to be, you know? But that's the only thing.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.