Helen: Adjusting to multiple medicines – Positive outcomes that help people adjust

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 58
Number of medicines: 10
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Helen credits Seretide with allowing her to be more active and to avoid hospital visits.

Seretide is like a miracle. Seretide I think is like a bit of a wonder drug. It's made my asthma absolutely controlled. I still occasionally forget to take it and if I do I think, oh my God, what am I about to do to myself? But I know I've got Ventolin in my bag … which is not on the list … but I do have a backup. Seretide I think has been like a lifesaver for me. It has probably allowed me to do more exercise than I was doing before. It means I breathe normally. It means I don't go to hospital outpatients with an asthma attack. I love it.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.