Jan: How people feel – Having no problems with multiple medicines

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: Undisclosed
Number of medicines: 15
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Jan has become accustomed to her medicines over time, as each one was introduced. This has made it easier for her to accommodate each medicine into her daily routine.

I'm so used to it now, I don't really think about it very much. I remember many years ago, when I was working … many years ago and a colleague of mine went off to an optometrist and came back to tell us that he had dry eyes and was going to have to put drops in every few hours. I thought, ‘Oh, my God! Wouldn't that be awful!’ Well now, I do that and a whole lot of other things and, quite frankly, you don't notice. I mean, you add drugs over time as a condition arises and you just sort of fit them into your way of living. Most of mine are taken in the morning at breakfast time and that's fairly straightforward …

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.