Lyn: The costs of taking multiple medicines – Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) assistance

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 67
Number of medicines: 1
Cultural background: British-Australian

Lyn and her husband have not had a problem affording her medicines, as most of them are covered by the PBS. She can buy one that is not covered through a hospital pharmacy, which reduces the cost.

No, because we're on a pension, a government pension. We get our medications at $5.80. The gabapentin, I believe, is not on the PBS, but it is going to be. At the moment, I'm getting it through the [local hospital]. If they prescribe it there, I can get it from the pharmacy at the hospital for the $5.80 or whatever it is, but if I went to an outside pharmacy, apparently I'd have to pay the full cost. So no, none of the medications that I take cost me more than the $5.80 and I usually get onto the free list by about September, when I'm not paying anything at all for them.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.