Mia: Benefits and disadvantages – The main benefit: saving or prolonging life

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 30
Number of medicines: 12
Cultural background: Israeli-Australian

Mia is aware that, had she been born in an earlier time, she probably would not be alive today.

Well I guess, the fact that there is that option that I can take a couple of tablets and really let's face it, it's not that big an imposition in my life. It actually does fix me, all of the problems, if I take the medications, are fixed and that's pretty lucky considering the advances that there have been in the past 100 years are amazing. In another time I wouldn’t be here at 30 telling the story, which is an amazing thought. I would have had some dreadful ulcer in my bowel and gone septic and died and that hasn’t happened. I am very healthy. So that's the best thing is that we can do these amazing things.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.