Niall: Routines with multiple medicines – Orderly strategies to support medication regimens

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 45
Number of medicines: 7
Cultural background: British (Caucasian)

Niall has a very precise procedure for removing his medicines from the packet, counting them and taking them to avoid making mistakes.

Like I said, the only one that's a problem is the Lexapro and the Diamicron, because they're physically similar, but that's why I sort of do it from one hand to the other, so I'll start with all of them here and, as I empty them out into a little dish, as I've done it, I put it over here, so I know which ones I've already done. I mean, as I said, because these things are all so different, with the exception of two of them, there's only two of them where there's a danger of that misconfusion and with the metformin, there's a potential when they changed the formulation, but as I said, the scale of the tablet is really quite different, between the different strengths.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.