Peter H: Problems with multiple medicines (I) – Side effects

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Peter H
Age at interview: 71
Number of medicines: 9
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Peter H has experienced a side effect from just one of his medicines and only once, which he attributes to an activity that he does not usually pursue.

The Nexium is for the long-standing one and the other three really started together, but that was after the strokes, trying to get the blood pressure down and so on. My blood pressure dropped so low though, so they asked me questions about getting giddy and so on. The only time I got giddy was when I was in a very convoluted position, I was doing carpentry and stood up too quickly and got a bit giddy then but that was the only … that was quite an unusual situation. 

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.