Russell: Knowing about multiple medicines – Consumer organisations and hospitals

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 59
Number of medicines: 15
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian with Scottish and English heritage

Russell attended information sessions conducted by a consumer organisation and joined an association which he has found helpful in managing his type 2 diabetes.

Then, the other thing he suggested which was very good advice, was to go into Diabetes Australia as it was then, NSW. It's the Australian Diabetes Council now ... was to go in for one of their half days or whatever, or half ... couple of hours sessions and they give you all the information and quite a lot of helpful information for people with type 2, so I found that helpful. I joined the NDSS scheme ... the National Diabetes Subscription Scheme and you get needles free and you get the strips cheaper than the normal cost of them. So that was good advice and I've just sort of progressed on.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.