Sue: Travelling with multiple medicines – Medication organisers for travel

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 65
Number of medicines: 16
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Sue describes the time-consuming nature of organising and packing her medicines to go on holidays.

Holidays are a bit of an ask. I’ve tried different ways of working out how to take them all with me. The only way … because one of the sorts of holidays that I like to go on are camping holidays: they're luxury camping but they are still camping. So the only way I've worked out to do it is to parcel up doses: the breakfast tablets and the dinner … lunchtime tablets and the dinnertime tablets and the before bed tablets or whatever. Wrap them up in little lots in Glad Wrap and carry them like that, which takes me half a day to get them ready if I'm going away for a while. But it's the most effective way of doing it because then I've just got the bits of Glad Wrap to get rid of as I take each lot and because they're reasonably standard … the breakfast ones are always the breakfast ones, it's easy to keep up with things. 

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.