Listening to any of these podcasts can be recorded (in 30-minute increments) as self-directed CPD learning. RACGP members can use Quick Log to record this activity.

Hosted by NPS MedicineWise medical advisors, we’ll wade through the reams of information – and sometimes misinformation – to provide answers from trusted sources for all of your quality use of medicines questions.

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Episode 41: Burnout and boundary setting

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise medical advisor Dr Caroline West speaks with Associate Professor Lisa Lampe about burn out and the high cost for health professionals and patients.

Further reading

Boundaries Research

Episode 40: Mental health and young people: two personal stories

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise medical advisor Dr Caroline West speaks with Nic Juniper and Rebecca Langman, two young people with lived experience with mental health issues. 

Further reading

NPS MedicineWise

NPS MedicineWise

Choosing Wisely 5 Questions


Beyond Now App

Episode 39: COVID treatment update: Answers to what HPs are asking

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise medical advisor Dr Caroline West speaks with Prof Sarah Hilmer and Prof Josh Davis, members of the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce Guidelines Leadership Group. They give an update on the new antiviral treatments now available and answer some frequently asked COVID management questions.

Further reading

NPS MedicineWise

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

Liverpool University Drug Interaction

Episode 37: Fostering shared decision-making in primary care

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise medical advisor Dr Caroline West speaks with Dr Karen Price, RACGP President on how being involved with shared decision-making can make a difference. 

Further reading

Choosing Wisely:

Choosing Wisely:

Podcast episode 36: Approaching difficult conversations with patients about opioid use

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise medical advisor Dr Caroline West speaks with Dr Richard O’Regan, an addiction medicine consultant with the Royal Perth Bentley Group about opioid dependence and how to have those very useful, but sometimes very difficult, conversations with patients.

Further reading

NPS MedicineWise:

Choosing Wisely:

Episode 35: Changing the conversation: 5 questions for patients and health professionals

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise medical advisor Dr Caroline West interviews Debra Letica and Ricky Spencer. They talk about Choosing Wisely and how the 5 questions are resulting in empowering conversations between health professionals and patients and more appropriate care.

Further reading

Choosing Wisely:
Choosing Wisely:
Choosing Wisely translated resources:

Episode 34: Important but not always front of mind – anticholinergic burden

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise medical advisor Dr Caroline West talks to our other medical advisor Dr Kate Annear about the cumulative effects of anticholinergic medicines. Not always front of mind, these medicines can cause many problematic side effects and can lead to poor health outcomes including increased risk of falls and cognitive decline. We cover what these medicines are and what can be done. Reviewing people’s multiple medicines and considering deprescribing or finding alternative treatments can reduce ‘anticholinergic burden’.

Further reading

NPS MedicineWise:
Choosing Wisely:
Australian Prescriber article: Optimising oral health in frail older people:

Episode 32: Champix / Varenicline recall

In this episode, NPS MedicineWise educational visitor and pharmacist Kara Joyce interviews NPS MedicineWise medical advisor and GP Dr Anna Samecki to discuss the recent TGA alert around varenicline (marketed as Champix) and the implications for practice.

Further reading

Episode 31: Medicines safety, health literacy and the National Medicines Policy in a pandemic world

In this episode NPS MedicineWise CEO Adj A/Prof Steve Morris is joined by Professor Andrew McLachlan, Head of School and Dean of Pharmacy at the University of Sydney, to discuss how the COVID pandemic has sparked a growing interest among consumers in medicines and treatments.

They discuss the vital role health professionals play in communicating harms and benefits with consumers.

They also consider why clinicians should take an interest in the upcoming review of the National Medicines Policy, and Steve bids farewell ahead of stepping down as NPS MedicineWise CEO at the end of July.

Further reading