Listening to any of these podcasts can be recorded (in 30-minute increments) as self-directed CPD learning. RACGP members can use Quick Log to record this activity.

Episode 30: New survey results shine a light on health literacy in Australia
- 02 Jul 2021
- 21 min 31
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Episode 30: New survey results shine a light on health literacy in Australia
- 02 Jul 2021
- 21 min 31
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In this episode about health literacy, NPS MedicineWise CEO Adj A/Prof Steve Morris is joined by health consumer advocate Debra Letica and CEO of the Consumers Health Forum, Leanne Wells.
New survey findings have shown that one in five consumers rarely or never felt comfortable asking their doctor, pharmacist or nurse when they needed more information. Steve, Debra and Leanne discuss how health literacy is a fundamental pathway to good healthcare, practical ways health professionals can help consumers feel more in control of their own health care, and why it’s so important to include consumers in shaping health care messages.
Further reading:
- NPS MedicineWise and CHF: New survey results shine a light on health literacy in Australia:
- Consumer Health Literacy Segmentation and Activation Research Project – Final report:
- A personal journey from a carer to a Choosing Wisely advocate - Debra Letica:
- Choosing Wisely - 5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider before you get any test, treatment, or procedure:

Episode 29: Nicotine scheduling changes – Special episode #2
- 10 Jun 2021
- 22 min 38
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Episode 29: Nicotine scheduling changes – Special episode #2
- 10 Jun 2021
- 22 min 38
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In this second special edition of the NPS MedicineWise podcast about upcoming scheduling changes to nicotine vaping products, medical adviser and GP Dr Jill Thistlethwaite talks with Adjunct Professor John Skerritt from the Health Products Regulation Group (HPRG), including the Therapeutic Goods Administration at the Australian Government Department of Health and Professor Nick Zwar, Executive Dean of the Health Sciences and Medicine Faculty at Bond University and Chair of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Expert Advisory Group on smoking cessation clinical practice guidelines.
They provide a brief recap on the new prescribing process for nicotine vaping products that is coming into effect from 1 October 2021 and what GPs need to know about these changes. They also discuss the new standard for prescribing nicotine vaping products and the upcoming RACGP smoking cessation guideline update.
This podcast was developed with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.
Further reading
NPS MedicineWise podcast Episode 28: Nicotine scheduling changes – Special episode #1:
TGA: Nicotine e-cigarettes hub (for health professionals):
TGA: Standard for unregistered nicotine vaping products:
TGA: Nicotine vaping products and vaping devices – Draft guidance for Therapeutic Goods Order 110 (TGO 110) and related matters:
TGA: Nicotine e-cigarettes laws are changing (blog for consumers):
NPS MedicineWise news article, access pathways flowchart and links to further information:
RACGP Guidelines: Supporting smoking cessation:

Episode 28: Nicotine scheduling changes – Special episode #1
- 14 May 2021
- 14 min 30
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Episode 28: Nicotine scheduling changes – Special episode #1
- 14 May 2021
- 14 min 30
- Transcript
In this special edition of the NPS MedicineWise podcast about upcoming scheduling changes to nicotine vaping products, CEO Adj A/Prof Steve Morris talks with Adjunct Prof John Skerritt and Ms Jenny Francis from the Health Products Regulation Group (HPRG), including the Therapeutic Goods Administration at the Australian Government Department of Health. They discuss the new prescribing process for nicotine vaping products that is coming into effect from 1 October 2021, why the regulation is being changed, which products are being affected, and what prescribers need to do to prepare for this change.
This podcast was developed with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.
Further reading
NPS MedicineWise news article, access pathways flowchart and links to further information:
TGA: Nicotine e-cigarettes hub (for health professionals):
TGA: Nicotine e-cigarettes laws are changing (blog for consumers):
RACGP Guidelines: Supporting smoking cessation:

Episode 27: Trust as a barrier and facilitator in choosing wisely
- 07 May 2021
- 20 min 23
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Episode 27: Trust as a barrier and facilitator in choosing wisely
- 07 May 2021
- 20 min 23
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In this episode NPS MedicineWise medical adviser and GP Dr Jill Thistlethwaite interviews Dr Robyn Lindner, also from NPS MedicineWise and Executive Sponsor for Choosing Wisely Australia and Tara Montgomery, a public health advocate and communications strategist at Civic Health Partners in the United States. They discuss why the Choosing Wisely initiative has been needed in Australia and how it has been received here, why it’s critical to engage consumers in the campaign, and the role of culture and systems in reducing unnecessary care. Robyn and Tara also talk about the program and themes for the upcoming Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting, to be held as a virtual event on 19 May 2021, including some glimpses into Tara's presentation on trust as a facilitator and barrier in choosing wisely.
Further reading
National Medicines Symposium – 18 May 2021:
Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting – 19 May 2021:

Episode 26: Opioids special #3: Tolerance, dependence and overdose
- 29 Apr 2021
- 34 min 18
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Episode 26: Opioids special #3: Tolerance, dependence and overdose
- 29 Apr 2021
- 34 min 18
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In this special edition of the NPS MedicineWise podcast, NPS MedicineWise medical adviser and GP Dr Jill Thistlethwaite talks with Dr Hester Wilson, a GP and addiction medicine specialist, and Ms Leah Dwyer, a member of Painaustralia’s Consumer Advisory Group, about the risk of tolerance, dependence and overdose with opioids for chronic non-cancer pain.
This podcast was developed with funding from the Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australian Government Department of Health.
Further reading:
Opioids, chronic pain and the bigger picture (NPS MedicineWise resources for health professionals):
MedicineWise News: 5 steps to tapering opioids for patients with chronic non-cancer pain
NPS MedicineWise: Series of communication videos about opioids and chronic non-cancer pain:
NPS MedicineWise: Easy to understand consumer information about opioids and chronic pain
TGA Prescription Opioids Hub:
Opioid Calculator, produced by the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FPM ANZCA):
Free ‘Better Pain Prescribing’ course from the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FPM ANZCA): Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FPM ANZCA)

Episode 25: How do we move towards truly consumer-centred health care?
- 06 Apr 2021
- 20 min 05
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Episode 25: How do we move towards truly consumer-centred health care?
- 06 Apr 2021
- 20 min 05
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In this episode NPS MedicineWise CEO Steve Morris interviews Leanne Wells, CEO of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) following the recent CHF Summit - Australasia’s inaugural consumer health summit.
They discuss what health organisations and health professionals need to do fundamentally to move towards truly consumer-centred care, how we build equity in accessibility into digital enhancement and evolution, and the role of health literacy and in particular medicines literacy in helping ensure people don't get left behind.
Steve and Leanne also discuss the challenges and opportunities of virtual conferences, and invite listeners to join two upcoming virtual events: the National Medicines Symposium on 18 May and the 2021 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting on 19 May.
Further reading:
- A Working Together agreement between CHF and NPS MedicineWise (May 2020):
- National Medicines Symposium – 18 May 2021:
- Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting – 19 May 2021:

Episode 24: Opioids special #2: Non-pharmacological management options for chronic non-cancer pain
- 08 Mar 2021
- 27 min 21
- Transcript
Episode 24: Opioids special #2: Non-pharmacological management options for chronic non-cancer pain
- 08 Mar 2021
- 27 min 21
- Transcript
In this special edition of the NPS MedicineWise podcast, Dr Jill Thistlethwaite talks with Dr Tania Gardner, senior physiotherapist with St Vincent's Hospital’s ‘Reboot Online’ Pain Management Program, and Ms Sarah Fowler, a member of Painaustralia’s Consumer Advisory Group, about the non-pharmacological treatment options for patients with chronic non-cancer pain. The discussion draws from Sarah’s consumer experience and outlines effective strategies for motivating patients to actively participate in the shared-decision making process with their health professional. This podcast was developed with funding from the Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australian Government Department of Health.
Further reading:
- Opioids, chronic pain and the bigger picture (NPS MedicineWise resources for health professionals):
- MedicineWise News: If not opioids then what?
- NPS MedicineWise series of communication videos about opioids and chronic non-cancer pain:
- TGA Prescription Opioids Hub:
- St Vincent’s Hospital’s ‘This Way Up’ online courses (including the ‘Reboot Online’ Pain Management Program): - Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Pain Management Network:
- Free ‘Better Pain Prescribing’ course from the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM), Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA):

Episode 22: A lived experience of dementia and changed behaviours
- 02 Feb 2021
- 21 min
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Episode 22: A lived experience of dementia and changed behaviours
- 02 Feb 2021
- 21 min
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In this episode Dr Anna Samecki talks with Theresa Flavin, who has been living with dementia for many years. Theresa gives a powerful insight into how it feels being on ‘the other side’ and offers a unique patient perspective on dementia and changed behaviour care.
Further reading
NPS MedicineWise -
Dementia Training Australia -
Dementia Outcomes measurement suite -
Dementia Australia -
Older Persons Advocacy Network -
The Empowered Project -

Episode 21: Quality use of medicines in an exceptional year – a 2020 wrap up
- 21 Dec 2020
- 12 min 15
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Episode 21: Quality use of medicines in an exceptional year – a 2020 wrap up
- 21 Dec 2020
- 12 min 15
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After the closing address at the National Medicines Symposium 2020, Steve Morris chats with Prof Andrew McLachlan – Head of School and Dean of Pharmacy at the University of Sydney. They reflect on the symposium with the theme of Rising to the medication safety challenge, what 2020 has meant for the quality use of medicines and how COVID-19 has shown us what is possible.